Why A Higher Speed Limit In Western Springs?
WESTERN SPRINGS, IL – The speed limit on 47th Street is higher in Western Springs than it is in La Grange.
The four-lane street, which is a state road, has a speed limit of 30 mph in La Grange, but it increases to 35 mph in Western Springs.
In Hinsdale, the street continues at 35 mph until it narrows to two lanes, where its name changes to Chicago Avenue.
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At Monday’s Western Springs Village Board meeting, resident Taylor Robinson, who lives in the 1100 block of Walnut Street, questioned why the speed limit is higher in the village. She said the street would be safer if the speed were reduced.
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In response, Jefferey Koza, the village’s engineering director, said Western Springs brought the issue to the state’s attention a couple of years ago at the urging of residents.
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The state Department of Transportation then performed its standard speed study, which found the limit was appropriate, Koza said.
“Ultimately, (the state) controls the roadway. We did what we could to at least bring it to their attention,” Koza said. “I would share similar sentiments that it doesn’t quite make sense.”
The department, Koza said, has informed the village it is doing the first phase of a study for possible improvements to 47th Street.
“They advised us that at the appropriate time, they plan to engage the village in those conversations, and we will bring up the concern again,” Koza said. “I’m glad they’re doing that study, so we have that opportunity to discuss the topic again.”
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