United Nation's Report Reveals Over 10,000 Children Maimed, Killed In World Conflicts In 2017

The humanitarian crisis is gradually taking over the whole world. Millions are suffering to find basic food and shelter after being forced out of their homes. Be it surviving bombs and bullet attacks in Syria or Afghanistan, or struggling for existence every day as a Rohingyas in Cox’s Bazaar, the adults are suffering, and children are dying in the crossfires. Amid the conflict of greater nations, innocent lives are lost in the blink of an eye.


A recent United Nations report stated that more than 10,000 children have been killed, maimed, raped, sexually assaulted while others were forced to serve the army or were caught in attacks at schools and hospitals. A total of more than 21,000 violations of children’s right were reported in 2017 a sharp increase from the previous year, according to the annual “Children and Armed Conflict” report.Click Here: Geelong Cats Guernsey