Something in the water

Something in the water


Making waves at the department for maritime affairs and fisheries.

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The waters are moving at the European Commission’s department for maritime affairs and fisheries (DG Mare), which is preparing for a big reform of the much criticised Common Fisheries Policy (CFP).

Murmurings reach us that César Dében, the director currently in charge of CFP reform, is going to lose the reform dossier, though he will remain in his current job – for now. Environmental campaigners criticised Dében last month for not representing their views in a summary  of responses to the Commission’s ideas for CFP reform that Dében presented at a meeting of fisheries ministers.

Ernesto Peñas Lado, who glories in the title of director of Baltic Sea, North Sea, landlocked member states, outermost regions and the Arctic Sea, is in line to take over responsibility for reform from Dében. Cynical observers will wonder whether the replacement of one Spaniard by another is likely to make any difference.