Sean Waltman Comments On His Marijuana Arrest
Former WWE & TNA star Sean “X-Pac” Waltman, who was arrested on Sunday at a New Jersey’s Newark airport after trying to sneak a marijuana joint onto a flight, posted a few messages on this week.
Waltman says his Sunday arrest wasn’t the only crappy thing he experienced over the weekend, criticizes websites that reported he was “arrested 4 drugs” (he was) and asks his Twitter followers to hook him up with some weed:
“Some c— stole my wallet with 1500.00 in it & my id. Got arrested for possession of half a joint’s worth of weed. Still in NY 4 some biz.”
“Im in NY area with no weed 2 smoke. Cops took it. Anyone in the area want to hook a brother up?”
“i love the websites that say i was arrested 4 drugs. like they dont know it was just weed. I didnt have an 8 ball 4 f—’s sake. 1/2 a joint”
Waltman also tweeted that he visited WWE’s developmental territory FCW last Thursday.
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