Port Authority scrambles to fix leaky Oculus ceiling before winter
Port Authority officials are scrambling to fix a leaky skylight at the World Trade Center’s Oculus transit hub before the winter, according to a report Sunday.
The agency has already spent $50,000 to seal the retractable skylight — designed to open each year on the anniversary of the Sept. 11 terror attacks — with water-resistant tape and plans to plunk down $200,000 more to cover it with a waterproof material, sources familiar with the project told the Wall Street Journal.
A Port Authority spokesman said engineers are still studying how best to permanently repair the roof of the $4 billion shopping hub and tourist destination in downtown Manhattan.
“While that analysis is ongoing, we are taking prudent steps to better protect the skylight with a more durable barrier system,” he told the paper.
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During the Sept. 11, 2018, ceremony, rubber molding that holds the shimmering skylight together ripped — causing rain to drip for months on to the marble concourse.
In May, officials said they hoped to fix it time for the Sept. 11 anniversary earlier this month, but failed to get it done in time.
The terminal has been plagued by leaking ceilings since it opened in October 2016.