Lusty lovers are sexting each other in Google Docs now
Forget sexy text messages. Now, the hallmark of true romance is communicating via Google Docs.
Partners are using the internet giant’s cloud-based word-processing service to send flirtatious notes and suggestive images. Lovers typically share a single document and exchange messages both in the main body of text and using the in-line comment function.
“I kind of think of it as the modern love letter,” Simone Ver Eecke, 32, tells The Post of a shared “sexy” Google Doc she has with her boyfriend of three years. They started the digital document — file name: Bedtime Stories — in January, back when they were dating long distance, and it’s since grown in length to 27 pages.
“It’s very fun and fantasy-filled . . . Sometimes we just link to erotica we like,” says Ver Eecke, who lives in Bushwick and works in wine sales, adding, “Google Docs gets you into those Google Sheets.”
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Many use Google Docs to add some intrigue to what is, for the most part, a business-like file.
When Noelle Phansalkar, 23, was doing a freelance project for a law firm last year, her boyfriend was her supervisor, and they were often on shared work Docs.
“It usually coincided with when he was really busy,” says the Columbia University graduate student. “I would ask him a work question and it would evolve into us chatting and flirting [in the document]. I’d call him boss, it was fun.”
While the two also communicated on several other platforms, Docs felt unique. “There’s so many different ways to reach people now, and I feel like because it was work-related, [Docs] was easiest,” she says.
Emma King also found the online service to be surprisingly romantic when she was working on her master’s thesis. Her boyfriend was helping her edit the document and he’d leave sweet notes in the margins.
“We weren’t specifically using it for flirting, it would incidentally happen,” says King. “You’re working your ass off on this massive, scholarly document, and then one sentence down: ‘I love you baby.’ I think it’s more delightful because it’s unexpected.”
But, the medium isn’t without its mishaps. Ver Eecke’s boyfriend, Joe Ahearn says, “You have to be careful about notifications.” Otherwise you risk having sexy quotes from Doc updates pop up on your screen at inopportune times.
King had an embarrassing incident involving her thesis. She usually made her boyfriend’s suggestive comments disappear by “resolving” them before sending them along to her professor, but one time she missed a personal message.
“My adviser saw it and commented on the comment with a little winky emoticon,” she says.