Kevin Owens Prepares For Shania Twain Concert…Again, WWE UK Star Announced For BOLA, Updated List Of Participants
Kevin Owens has once again been tweeting about his excitement over a Shania Twain concert which he is attending with his wife.
This time last week Owens tweeted to the singer, requesting her to play a certain song only for him to work out that the concert was actually this week. So once again he has tweeted about being excited to go and see her, and has confirmed he is 8/10 in terms of confidence that the concert is actually today this time.
Yes. Yes, it is.
— Kevin Owens (@FightOwensFight) June 26, 2018
I’d say my confidence in the matter is at a solid 8 out of 10.
— Kevin Owens (@FightOwensFight) June 26, 2018
WWE UK Star Announced For BOLA, Confirmed Line Up
Yesterday Pro Wrestling Guerrilla announced another entrant into this year’s Battle Of Las Angeles and it was none other than WWE UK Superstar, Travis Banks, who reached the semi-final at last years tournament. Below is a complete list of all the participants announced:
1. PCO
2. Brody King
3. Jody Fleisch
4. Ilja Dragunov
5. Robbie Eagles
6. Joey Janela
7. Puma King
Click Here: f1 racing suit for sale8. David Starr
9. Rey Horus
10. Chris Brookes
11. Matthew Riddle
12. Darby Allin
13. Adam Brooks
14. Flamita
15. Jonah Rock
16. DJ Z
17. Timothy Thatcher
18. T-Hawk
19. CIMA
20. Jeff Cobb
21. Travis Banks
22. Bandido
24. Shingo Takagi