Jets fans are ticked off about Adam Gase head coach hire
The Jets’ hiring of Adam Gase has been met with mostly pessimism and worse from a beaten-down fan base, but there were some fans who like the move. Here is a sampling of the reactions to the hire on Twitter:
I feel like somebody should come out with cameras now… the @nyjets can’t be this stupid — @looseckannon120
#jets are the #Mets with football helmets — @TomMorache
Cant believe all the hate. Gase could be solid. Not like there were any off the charts candidates. — @thisisfranko
I believe this is one of the 2 potential hires (of the 8 names mentioned) that I took issue with. I hope to hell he proves me wrong. — @AronGalonsky
Exact reason why this franchise has been a joke for 50 years. — @cjpny76
It won’t be popular with those that just look at the dolphins record but this may have been the best candidate. — @CTGabe
see also
Jets tap Adam Gase as their new head coach
The Jets chose a familiar face as their new head…
Jets customer service number is going to blow up in am with cancellations — @GlennMintz
They must have really hated McCarthy. He was the safest pick. Fans were behind it, he wanted the job. MM is betting his future as a GM on this. — @kipinitreal88
Absolutely terrible decision, fire Macc tomorrow. If Gase brings in Monken is OC and Vance Joseph is DC, I will spare the rest of the furniture. — @JetOrange59
I have no choice. I already payed for my season tix. Go Jets. — @MikeZech
I don’t think it’s an awful hire that’s just me. — @Vercetti44
I’m cool with it. Wanted McCarthy. Can understand the younger dynamic compared to McCarthy. — @TerenceBegleyNJ
Why would they do that!!! We could have got McCarthy… well at least they will get the #1 pick for the next 3 Years — @RichHames
No longer a @nyjets fan…. worst hire. Even worse than bowels… — @Sasquatch6389
I mean Gase did help develop 35 year old Peyton Manning — @EightCraft