High school football players suspended for killing duck during practice
A group of high school football players in New Hampshire are facing suspensions for killing a duck during practice last month, according to a report.
Three to six members of the Kennett High School Eagles have been sidelined for up to five games after a group of them beat the bird with a broomstick during a two-day football camp next to Lake Winnipesaukee, according to The Conway Daily Sun.
Following the beating, one of the teammates strangled the duck to death in order to put the injured animal out of its misery, the report said.
It’s unclear if that player is among the ones facing suspensions.
“He felt he had no options but to strangle it to put it down because he didn’t want to see it suffer,” New Hampshire State Fish and Game Colonel Kevin Thursday told the paper.
In addition to the suspension, some of the boys will also be assigned to complete community service.
“In my opinion, the school took some very appropriate steps right away,” said Jordan.
None of the players will be charged for the duck-killing.