Good News In America: 'Giant' Gesture, Firemen's Babies, Rescues
A football autographed by New York Giants linebacker Jonathan Casill was one of 10-year-old Joey Cirillo’s most prized possessions. He lost track of the NFL player-signed pigskin at a high school football game in Toms River, New Jersey, and hoped whoever found it would realize how special it was and return it.
The original ball was never returned, but Joey got something even better. Casillas heard about it, and drove to Toms River last weekend to replace it.
The brand-new autographed football was nice, but the chance to play catch with Casillas was priceless.
Read more about it in NFL Player Delivers New Ball, Priceless Memory To Toms River Boy
Patch editors around the country were busy reporting other “good news” stories over the past week. Here are some of them:
Firefighter Dads Show Off 9 Babies In Adorable Photo Shoot
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From March to July 2019, seven girls and two boys were born to firefighters in the district.
Heroic Driver Pulls Woman From Burning Car
The 54-year-old Whalen is a road warrior — a dump-truck driver who has seen plenty on the road. But he’s not likely to forget the fiery crash he saw Monay
“I’m not going to sit here and watch this woman burn to death,” Whalen said. “I don’t know her but you never want to see that. We have to get this woman out!”
Texas Cops Show Support For Fallen Officer’s Son At 1st Football Game
Joaquin Espericueta played his first seventh-grade football game — a bittersweet occasion after his dad, a Mission, Texas, police officer, was shot and killed in the line of duty in June.
Mission cops and other law enforcement officers from around Texas showed up at his game in a “thin blue line” of support, standing with him on the field and cheering him on from the bleachers
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Cop Fills Woman’s Gas Tank So She Won’t Get Stranded
Serving Their Community, One Good Deed At A Time
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Cpl. Joey “Speedy” Espericueta couldn’t be there for his son’s special day, so his colleagues made sure they were. “This was another first in his life, and we wanted to be there,” Mission Police Chief Robert Dominguez told The Washington Post.
Woman’s ‘Pretty Kitty’ Rescue Turns Out To Be A Bobcat
Jill Hicks couldn’t just drive on when she saw what she thought was “a really pretty kitten” in the grass near a busy highway. She was worried someone had just dumped the kitty, and that coyotes that roam the area would get ahold of it.
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So she stopped her car, scooped up the animal and took it home with her, discovering later it was a bobcat. The cub, named Arwen, is now in the care of For Fox Sake Wildlife Rescue and will be returned to the wild when she is strong enough.
“As close to the busy road as it was, I’d still have saved it,” she said.
Dog, Cat Stuck On Roof Rescued By Police In New Jersey
Police determined it wasn’t a curious cat that caused the problem, but the dog. It apparently tore through a second-floor window screen, and the cat followed it onto the roof.
Father And Son Test-Drive Lamborghini They Built Themselves
While playing Forza Horizon on his Xbox, Xander fell in love with the Lamborghini Aventador. The 11-year-old asked his dad, Sterling Backus, if it would be possible to build a real one.
While most parents would offer a kindhearted pat on the head and perhaps a toy car down the road, Backus, a physicist and U.S. Army veteran, wasn’t about to back down from such a challenge. The two got to work doing the unthinkable — building a 3D-printed Lambo.
And now they’ve taken it for a test drive.
Ancient Gold Coffin Returns To Egypt After Met Bought It For $4M
A golden coffin discovered in the Metropolitan Museum of Art will be returned to its home in Egypt — eight years after it was looted in the wake of the country’s revolution.
The more than 2,000-year-old artifact will be taken back to Egypt following an investigation of a multi-national web of antiquities traffickers, authorities announced this week.
“Coming as we do from all over the world in New York, we New Yorkers place a strong value on cultural character,” Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance told reporters. “These items may be worth millions in the marketplace, but each item represents, in our view, much more commercial profit. Each item is part of a cultural history that needs to be celebrated, respected and vigorously protected.”
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