EU nations should overcome GMO hypocrisy
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EU nations should overcome GMO hypocrisy
Time to vote for science and reason
Today in each EU nation, most people wear genetically modified (GM) cotton, and farm animals massively feed on imported GM soy. Yet many countries vote against import authorizations of the very same GM crops they depend upon: We import more than 60kg of GM soya for each of the EU’s 500 million citizens each year; on the other hand, most European farmers are banned from growing GM crops.
The European Academies of Science have said: “There is compelling evidence that GM crops can contribute to sustainable development goals with benefits to farmers, consumers, the environment and the economy.”
A recent Food and Agriculture Organization report confirms that agricultural biotechnologies can help small producers to be more resilient and adapt to climate change. Like safety authorities around the world, the European Food Safety Authority regularly confirms that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are as safe as conventionally bred crops. Yet, despite a 20-year history of safe GMO commercialization around the world on a surface that is bigger than the EU’s entire area of agricultural cropland, attempts to share information about GMO benefits are continuously marred by unsubstantiated allegations from anti-GMO interest groups. While the recent marches for science focused mainly on other issues, it is hard to find as striking an example for post-truth politics. In many parts of Europe, ideology regularly trumps science when it comes to GMOs.
Goodbye to science and technology
The fact is that countries such as France, Italy and Germany have not been supporting the approval of safe GMO products even for import, while other countries like Poland, Hungary and Bulgaria have been voting against these imports, even though their economies — and the EU’s economy — rely on GMOs. This voting behavior is the main reason why Europe has effectively expelled science and technology from Europe in this field. In addition, the lack of EU nations’ support for approving safe products is extending beyond the GMO precedent, and has seriously damaged trust — not just in innovation and product safety, but also in the EU’s institutions and processes.
The European Commission has reacted by proposing (and sometimes implementing) a number of failed legislative schemes over the years. For example, the right to ban GMO cultivation at national level, which was adopted in 2015, still does not motivate more countries, as it was intended, to support an approval at EU level so that at least farmers in other countries can enjoy access to the technology. It is of course also politically hard to justify denying your own voters and farmers the choice to access GM crops only to then grant your neighbors this choice and superior economic options. The latest Commission reaction to this hypocrisy is the proposal to reform comitology. While we agree that the hypocrisy has to end, we do not see how this new proposal can achieve this objective, as also outlined in our position paper.
While Europe may, to some extent, be able to afford to say goodbye to science and technology, this post-truth politics has knock-on effects in the developing world. EU politicians ignore “politically unwelcome” GMO science, said Nobel laureate Sir Richard Roberts in a video interview, following his co-authorship of a letter now signed by more than 120 Nobel prize laureates, which urges Greenpeace to abandon its campaign against GMOs and golden rice. The letter asks: “How many poor people in the world must die before we consider this a crime against humanity?”
Acknowledging the benefits of GM crops
Agriculture in the EU should contribute to sustainable innovation. But who is going to innovate as long as politics and fear trump science? Through enabling technologies such as GM crops, farmers in Europe and the developing world can contribute to food security and catalyze further economic development.
Already today, millions of smallholder farmers in Asia and globally are growing GM crops, but many countries, including some of the poorest in Africa, are still banning GMOs without scientific justification, partly under the influence of EU politicians and interest groups aiming to impose their ideology on the rest of the world. In times like these, there is a need for political leadership to stand up for science and start taking the right decisions on products that foster innovation and development.
If goodwill isn’t enough to sway minds in Europe, how about just a little self-interest?
“Banning GM imports means doing away with our capability of producing food,” said Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis in 2015. The facts show that GMO import bans would cost Europe dearly. There would be major economic repercussions for the EU and its member states, including for farmers and consumers.
It is time for the EU to become a world leader of enabling technologies for the advancement of society. All that is required is improved observation of and respect for science. We call on EU leaders not to miss this chance to acknowledge the benefits of biotechnology and finally put an end to GMO hypocrisy.
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