Democratic debate 2019: Joe Biden’s ‘record player’ gaffe draws laughs on Twitter
It’s going to take a lot for Joe Biden to scratch this jeer-worthy comment from the record.
The former Vice President was teased on Twitter during Thursday night’s democratic debate for answering a question about racial inequality in schools — by bringing up the importance of record players.
Moderator Lindsey Davis asked Biden about a comment he made in 1975 that he didn’t “feel responsible for the sins of my father and grandfather” when it came to school segregation.
“There is institutional segregation in this country,” Biden, 76, acknowledged in his answer, claiming he worked at the beginning of his career against such discrimination.
He then laid out a plan to spend more money on low-performing schools and give teachers raises — before veering off track by laying out what parents should do at home if they want their kids to perform well in class.
“Play the radio. Make sure the television — excuse me, make sure you have the record player on at night, the phone — make sure that kids hear words, a kid coming from a very poor school — a very poor background will hear 4 million words fewer spoken by the time they get there,” Biden said, before being cut off.
Biden’s bizarre mention of the old-fangled music-playing device drew laughs, and some head-scratching online.
“Either Uncle Joe traveled in a time machine, or he is trying to appeal to hipsters. “Listen to the record player!!!” ?!?!” tweeted @sportzchic3589.
“Leave the record player on, have a saltwater taffy, grab a malt at the shake shop” -Joe Biden,” another user joked.
Even actress Mia Farrow joined in, writing: “Kids don’t know what a record player is.”
And if Biden’s reference to ancient audio technology wasn’t strange enough, he then went on a rant about Venezuela, which had come up 20 minutes earlier, and later quoted the 19th Century Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard.
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