CANJAM 2022 NYC: Dekoni Audio and Auribus Acoustics
Bergenfeld New Jersey’s Dekoni Audio was showing headphone accessories at CanJam, including replacement earpads for major headphone brands, eartips, sprays, wipes, cleaners, and the like. They were also auditioning their new headphones, a reworking of the Fostex T50RP MK3
Dekoni’s comfy, cushy, thick earpads come in multiple finishes and styles including Choice, Elite, and Platinum lines of leather, suede, hybrid, and “fenestrated sheepskin.” Their Midnight, Velour, and Jerzee lines offer additional choices. The earpads are constructed of memory foam wrapped in various leathers (authentic and synthetic) and velours. They range in price from $59/pair to $119/pair. They provided a snug but comfortable fit on my large noggin.
The Dekoni Audio Blue headphones ($249) have a reported sensitivity of 92dB/mW, an impedance rating of 50 ohms, and a specified frequency range of 15Hz–35kHz. Listening to Billie Eilish with the Dekoni Blues sourced and powered by an Astell & Kern portable player, I heard rich bass and a lush midrange.
At the same booth, I heard a new headphone from San Francisco’s Auribus Acoustics; they sounded exceptional. Presented by the company’s twenty-something rep Evan Ly, the Everest ($685)—currently Auribus’s only model—has cups constructed of resin-cast aluminum. The Everest’s dynamic drivers claim a sensitivity of 90dB/mW, an impedance of 88 ohms, and a frequency range of 20Hz–20kHz. The Everest felt solid yet lightweight, and the fit was relaxed. Its pleated-aluminum grille was subtle and attractive: no phony bling! The Everest handled like a well-crafted, well-designed product.
Billie Eilish’s “Billie’s Bossa Nova” sounded clean, well-organized, natural, and dynamic through the Everests, with exceptional layering, good body, and sweetly rounded toned. Despite the relatively modest price, the Everests were among the best-sounding headphones I heard at the show, trailing only the Abyss AB1266 Phi TC Audiophile Reference I heard at the AmpsandSound booth and the new Abyss Diane TC in the Woo/Abyss room.
Auribus Acoustics’ website states, “As a group of young hobbyists, our mission is to bring our idea of flagship performance to the forefront of audio.”
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