Burning Frazil Drink Machine Causes Smoke Condition At I-93 Rest Area
CONCORD, NH — Hooksett firefighters are investigating why a Frazil machine caught on fire on Wednesday night on the Interstate 93 northbound Hooksett Rest Area.
Around 6 p.m., Hooksett firefighters, along with firefighters from Allenstown, Bow, and Concord, the AMR ambulance and Concord EMTs, and New Hampshire State Police troopers, were sent to the rest area for a report of an electrical fire in the building. Capital region fire dispatch said an employee in the candy shop reported the fire, and the building was filling up with smoke.
State police also confirmed the fire and smoke. The employee attempted to dump water on the fire, too, the dispatcher said.
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Hooksett firefighters confirmed light smoke on the I-93 side of the building. The fire suppression system had been activated at the Irving gas pumps, not the building. The activation covered several vehicles and some people with white foam.
Firefighters approached the building from both the highway and Route 3A.
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The Hooksett fire commander said it was an appliance that caught fire — a Frazil ice drink machine. The firefighters checked the building for any extended fire and ensured everyone was out of the building, and there were no injuries.
Just before 6:30 p.m., the building was ventilated, and no injuries were reported. EMTs and other firefighters were cleared from the scene. The town’s building inspector was also requested to go to the rest area.
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