BTS50085-1TMA Infineon Electronic Components

BTS50085-1TMA belongs to Power switch IC of infineon electronic components.N channel vertical power FET with charge pump, current controlled input and diagnostic feedback with load current sense, integrated in Smart SIPMOS chip on chip technology. Providing embedded protection functions.

To minimize power dissipation at reverse battery operation, the overall current into the IN and IS pin should be about 120mA. The current can be provided by using a small signal diode D in parallel to the input switch, by using a MOSFET input switch or by proper adjusting the current through RIS and RV.

BTS50085-1TMA Infineon Electronic Components Features


Main product features


Overload protection

Current limitation

Short circuit protection

Over temperature protection


Product Applications

Power switch with current sense diagnostic feedback for up to 48V DC grounded loads
Most suitable for loads with high inrush current like lamps and motors; all types of resistive and inductive loads
Replaces electromechanical relays, fuses and discrete circuits

Keyword: ic audio