Alberto El Patron Parts Ways With Combate Americas MMA Promotion
GFW star Alberto El Patron is apparently done with the Combate Americas MMA promotion.
UFC co-founder Campbell McClaren and CEO of the aforementioned Spanish-based MMA promotion released an exclusive statement to to confirm the news.
Check out McClaren’s statement below.
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“Alberto is a really good friend of mine and his girlfriend Saraya who is ‘Paige’ I’m sure you know, they become very close friends of mine and when they are in New York they come out to dinner with my wife and I. They are good pals, but what Alberto is telling me, is that his first love is wrestling. You know, his father was ‘Dos Caras’ a very famous wrestler and Saraya’s family is third generation English wrestlers, you know about her right? And so what Alberto has said to me, and we haven’t unveiled this yet, but we can talk about it, he’s probably stepping back his official roles from Combate and he’s going to focus on more on wrestling for the next year or two.
“I think he’s reaching a point in his career when he knows that the physical demands of wrestling are not what he wants to continue doing, but I think he knows he’s got a couple of years still left to keep maintaining his level of performance. It’s a very challenging enterprise and I think it’s very, very hard on the body and difficult to do. Very physical, very athletic, so I he’s kind of asked me if he can step away and with Saraya, focus on wrestling.”