Reps. Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar are forcing fellow Democrats to choose between them, on one hand, and standing up for America’s most important Middle East ally, Israel, on the other. Guess which side the Dems are taking?
Hint: Not Israel’s.
After the Jewish state nixed the two lawmakers’ anti-Israel publicity stunt last week, House Democrats began weighing retaliatory measures, including possible legislative action against Israel’s US ambassador, Ron Dermer, and the US envoy to Israel, David Friedman.
Meanwhile, Dems close their eyes to the pair’s blatant anti-Semitism, which is only growing after Israel’s decision. On Friday, for example, the two posted an anti-Israel cartoon by an artist known for drawings that mock Holocaust victims and feature anti-Semitic imagery. Outrage from Dems? Ha.
The pair also upped their “We Hate Israel” campaign. Tlaib teared up before the cameras over how her family members had to pass through “dehumanizing” checkpoints — with nary a word about how those stops are needed to prevent terrorism by Palestinians. Omar called for ending aid to Israel (which lets it buy US military equipment).
Where are the Dems who’ll stand up for the Jewish state against such attacks?
True, Democrats have been moving away from Israel for years now, a shift that makes little strategic — or moral — sense. If they continue to stick with Tlaib and Omar, the split will be complete.
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