Rudolph Christmas Classic Inspires Frankfort Family's Holiday Display

FRANKFORT, IL — The holiday classic, “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer,” is the inspiration behind the Pavlacka family’s holiday display in Frankfort.

Featuring 12 inflatables, the display can be found at 22177 Somerset Court in Frankfort, and is viewable from 4:30 to 10 p.m. through Jan. 1.

Frankfort resident Andy Pavlacka said the family started decorating the outside of their house when he was a kid back in the 2000s.

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The display started with just icicle lights hanging off the house for several years, before the family branched out to LED lights in trees in the yard.

“We kept on adding more lights and then expanded to inflatables…adding one every year or so,” Pavlacka told Patch. The family now has over 200 sets of lights decorating the yard and house.

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The name, “Rudolph’s Winter Wonderland,” was decided on, and the display includes inflatables of a 15-foot Rudolph, Clarice, the Misfit toys, a 16-foot Christmas tree, and Bumble.

“We are also still on the lookout for Yukon Cornelius and Herbie inflatables,” Pavlacka said. The Bumble inflatable is also out of commission this year as his fan wiring gave out, but Pavlacka said the abominable snowman character will return.

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The display also includes the Minions, a Nativity scene, and some dog inflatables.

“Overall, setting up the display brings out the wonderment and reason of the Christmas season in all of us,” Pavlacka said.

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