4 New Police Officers Take Oath In Warminster

WARMINSTER, PA —There’s always a family atmosphere and celebration when Warminster Township Police Chief James C. Donnelly III announces that he is adding another new officer to the police department’s ranks.

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The family of the officer fills the room and many of the township’s police officers attend the swearing-in ceremony with former corporal and now District Justice Christopher O’Neill performing the oath of office.

“It’s another great night,” Donnelly always tells Warminster Township Supervisors as he gets to introduce a new officer to his department.

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But on this night, Donnelly was saying that this night would be even greater: He was welcoming four new police officers to the ranks.

And even better yet, the chief said he expects to add three more police officers next year as well.

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“These four are the future of our police department,” the chief said. “I’m thrilled to live here with the guidance and protection we have.”

At its Dec. 5 meeting, supervisors saw Michael Fienman, Clare Maguire, Carter May, and Michael Romesburg sworn in as new police officers.

These are the profiles of the new police officers:

“It is my privilege to welcome these four recruits to the Warminster Police Department,” Donnelly said. “They will be a tremendous asset to the community.”

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