2 IL Breweries Are Among 30 Best In U.S., Beer Pros Say
ACROSS ILLINOIS —Two Illinois breweries are among the 30 best breweries in the country, according to a new survey of beer writers and others who know a good beer when they drink it and the value having a craft brewery brings to a community.
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VinePair, an online media company covering wine, spirits and beer culture, asked 30 beer pros — writers, educators, historians, community leaders, authors and a cartoonist — to name the best breweries in the country.
The panel’s choices, released Tuesday, range from long-time favorites to hot new arrivals, and from high-volume producers and neighborhood taprooms, VinePair said.
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Here is a closer look at the Illinois breweries selected for this list:
Alulu Brewery and Pub
Address: 2011 S Laflin Street, Chicago
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Alulu has a mix of craft beers and a food menu that features a mix of American, Peruvian and German dishes.
“Alulu is a place where compassion thrives, representing authentic diversity, equity, and inclusion at every level. Head Brewer Jason James is Chicago’s only Black head brewer, always brewing up a diverse selection of delicious, well-crafted beers, ciders, and seltzers. The staff reflects true diversity across race, ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation, making every customer feel seen and welcomed,” said Mickey Bryant, founder & president of Black and Brew Chicago.
Art History Brewing
Address: 649 W State Street, Geneva
Virginia Thomas, a craft beer specialist at Beer On the Wall, Park Ridge, told Vine Pair she’s had several beers during his 14 years in the beer industry but has never had a bad beer from Art History. The brewery opened in March 202 and quickly sold so much beer they had to pull back on distribution until they could expand their capacity, Thomas said.
“While they do have a lager-forward focus, you can find everything from Rauchbiers to DDH double IPAs and Belgian saisons on their roster. They also make one of my all-time favorite beers, Wenceslas, a dark Czech-style lager paying homage to Wenceslas the first, Duke of Bohemia and star of the classic Christmas ‘Carol, Good King Wenceslas,” according to Thomas.
Art History Brewing representatives told Patch they were honored to learn they’d been picked by VinePair as one of the best breweries in Illinois.
“We are always humbled to see a publication list us or one of our beers as a favorite. We’ve had several beer writers write articles about us over the past few years and we live to get that feedback. There are so many great breweries, especially in Illinois, so having us named as one helps validate the work that our team puts in every day.”
Big Changes To The ‘Beer World’
“These picks echo some of the big changes that are currently ripping through the beer world,” VinePair’s Evan Rail wrote, explaining the beer world moves in cycles and trends, much like booms in seen in hard seltzer, glitter beer and brut IPA. “Some of what used to be celebrated no longer holds the same cachet, while once famous names might not have the same status they did a few years ago.”
Currently, there are 9,736 small and independent breweries in operation nationwide, according to the Brewers Association’s 2024 Year In Beer report. About 400 closed this year as the craft beer industry hits “a plateau at best,” Rail wrote, adding, “The days of comparing craft brewers to rock stars and constant double-digit craft brewery growth are clearly behind us.”
The craft beer industry is tightening, Bart Watson, vice president of strategy and membership for the Brewers Association said in group’s Dec. 10 report.
“Craft has been going through a painful period of rationalization as demand growth has slowed and retailers and distributors look to simplify their offerings or add options for flavor and variety outside of the craft category,” he said, adding:
“That said, breweries have reacted to these changes by focusing on distribution, continuing to innovate in their taprooms and brewpubs, creating groups and partnerships, and offering a wider range of beverages in their portfolios.”
It’s not “all gloom and doom,” Rail wrote, adding the list shows “there are inspired — and inspiring — beer makers all around the country, in all sizes, serving their communities with one great beer after another.”
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